Dyslexia is a learning difficulty in reading, writing and calculation which affects understanding. It occurs in children who have no physical, mental or sociocultural disabilities. As a hidden condition it is quite difficult to detect. It has no cure, but can be treated to improve learning.
10% of children are at risk of dyslexia and Spain is one of the countries with the highest school drop-out rates. Medical examinations are not covered by the public health system and cost an average of €600, an expense which many families cannot afford.
We’ve launched Dytective for Samsung, the first app for early detection of the risk of dyslexia in children. It is free and can be accessed by anyone. It is an app which uses artificial intelligence and automatic learning algorithms, in combination with language games, to produce a percentage of children’s cognitive ability.
It features a number of carefully chosen exercises, adapted to each age range, which use character recognition to detect signs of dyslexia.
Detection of dyslexia can take months or even years. Dytective for Samsung enables clear signs of the problem to be detected in just 15 minutes, at no cost.
Who: Samsung
Where: Cheil Spain
What: Idea, Copywriting and Art Direction
When: 2017